Are these photos from the same room? Joe reckons not the colour one. He could be right - it does look a bit odd, but I still tend to think it is this room, for several reasons. The decor in all the pics is the same - the curtains in particular. Second, looking at the floor plans, I can't see any other room which fits with the wall/window arrangement in the colour one. (Of course, one has to bear in mind that the plans are from 2006, and there has been a lot of renovation in the meantime). Third, the camera often gives a distorted picture, which might explain the off perspective in the colour shot. (And how much of the wall behind are we actually seeing in the second dog picture? It's very hard to tell. It should curve round to the right, but maybe the angle cuts off before that...or maybe it is curving. Or maybe it's not the same room!) Another example would be the large living room footage - I must have seen that a hundred times and not realised it was that room until I went back and found small details - it looks strange in the film, but I'm convinced it is the same room. I'm not 100% convinced all these pics are the same room, however, but it remains my best guess. I'd love to be proved wrong - previously unseen pics would do it! Feel free to comment away. Or not.
Cyn was kinda hot wasn't she??