Ploughing on, with the usual caveats about insanity/obsession etc etc (and I'd recommend listening to Revolution 9 at maximum volume as you attempt to read this gibberish)...the map shows the position in 2006 of the first floor rooms (UK nomenclature), with the master bedroom suite directly above the dining room. The second pic shows the '06 master bedroom window, and the same window externally circa 1966. (The perspective is a bit odd because, in effect, the two photographers would be facing each other). But what this means is that the other window in this room, circled in the third pic of John sitting outside, is not the same as the window in the fourth pic - the master bedroom circa 1968. Note the odd shape of this window - but the window in the '68 bedroom is flat. So this can't be the same room. In that case, where was the master bedroom in John's time? One possibility is that it used to be in the space occupied by the master bathroom in 2006. Again, compare the windows in the above pics. That looks like the same one to me. The wall corner looks identical too. If this is so (and I know that's a big "if") then the master bedroom in the John era would have been to the rear of the house, on the first floor, facing east, occupying what in 2006 was the bathroom and dressing room. The '06 bedroom would probably have been the bathroom. Confused? Join the club. I shouldn't have assumed it was the same layout in '68 and '06, given the amount of renovation that has gone on - I mean, even the titting swimming pool has been moved because it was at the wrong angle for someone. Oh to have such problems (and solutions).
If this is any consolation, when i was in the house, there was no more bathroom or anything. So who knows where the bedroom will be. I do know that the Governor (we call him the Foreman in the US) had the original master plans of the house and the house ONLY contained original objects from the house (I saw original doors, original chadeliers, original fireplaces,original door knobs, and a wooden crest from BEFORE Lennon's time)and that the nre owner wanted to get the residence back to it's original state. I found this out because I asked and wanted to take everything with me if it was going to be thrown away.
ReplyDeleteAgain, that's intriguing. I take it you mean that the new owner wants to restore the place to how it was when originally built? (It would be too much to hope that a millionaire Beatles fan had got hold of it - though I bet that happens one day if isn't demolished first). It certainly looked like the place had been gutted in your video. I wonder where they got the plans from - they are possibly a matter of public record...might be worth looking into.