On a theme of nothing whatsoever to do with the the theme of this blog, Paul fell off his moped and fattied up his lip. Consequently, he grew a tache to disguise the scar. That is the story, anyway, but I just realised it can´t be true, as he was in the Paperback Writer "video" scarred up. Feel free to comment away. Anyway, the Beatles at that point were under the influence of "Group Mind" for at least 2 reasons, and what one did, the others did. See televisions. John, as was his wont, went for it more than the others. This pic features possibly the most luxuriant heterosexual tache you will see this side of the 19th century.
Yes, Paul told the "I invented the moustache" story in Anthology, but it's apocryphal. He has his chronology muddled. He busted his lip in December 1965. (Why he hadn't had the tooth fixed in the five months between the accident and the "Paperback Writer" clip beats me.) The real moustache leader of the group was George. He grew one on his trip to India in late 1966, and the others followed suit...
ReplyDeleteJohn was very serious about his moustache. He even had a moustache cup to drink from - if you've never seen one, it has a special lip and hole that keeps your moustache from getting dunked in your tea. Photo here:
The alternate moustache story has him either wearing a fake one or growing one for the means of disguise for/on his holiday trip with Mal that took him to France, Spain and Kenia (home movies show him with one). I think in "Many Years From Now" he says it was a fake one. However when he returned it stayed on so at least then it must have been a real one. My guess: Paul recalls using a fake one but for this trip it was real. And actually Ringo was the first one to have one (before he became a Beatle and including beard too).
ReplyDeleteAs this thread also deals with the famous moped accident, I would like to refer you to a little sum-up here: