Returning vaguely to the point of all this, Brian Epstein had his own connection with St George´s Hill. He was going to visit John one day, when walking up the road towards Kenwood he spotted a Platonic chauffeur in the drive of one of the neighbouring houses. John had been having trouble with his chauffeur (Jock by name - I assume he was Scottish; he certainly acted like it), who had been using the Rolls as a "base of operations", which is putting it kindly. Anyway, Brian approached him to ask if he fancied working for John Lennon. This, of course, was Les Anthony, who loyally served until John´s emigration to the United States. The employers of Anthony were none too happy at this turn of events, and when Brian later came and offered to buy their house so as to contribute to John´s communal Beatles ideal (John wasn´t that happy either when Paul elected to live in St John´s Wood), they rejected the proposal in no uncertain terms. Which house was it? I have no idea. But probably one of these - maybe the one nearest to Kenwood.
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