The caravan, or what's left of it, has resurfaced! Apparently, Ringo had it restored in the early 1980s (hence the different colours), and then took it with him when he moved, only to then leave it rotting in a garage.

Not a great deal remains of the woodwork.

The bits that are left have now been acquired by an Ascot charity, and are going to be sold to raise funds.
You can read the full story HERE, and see more photos HERE.
Thanks to Chris Sileo.
Nice find. Didn't this caravan appear at Kenwood at some point? The article says it was delivered to Tittenhurst first but I swear you posted pics of it rotting away near the greenhouse at Kenwood.
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely fascinating.I wonder when, where it will be auctioned - not clear from the article.
ReplyDeleteSo now we know! Thank Rod.
ReplyDeleteThe article's a bit skew whiff on its facts...
Yep, it was delivered to Kenwood in 67 and ended up at Tittenhurst via Dorinish. Pretty hard to tell whether it's the real deal what with the change of colour and missing bits and bobs. Then again, if someone was gonna fake it I guess they'd at least make sure the colours were correct.
ReplyDeleteOh ye cynics. It's way too fucked to be fake. And some of the bits that are left are the same. What kind of nutjob would fake it by doing a facsimile of a couple of panels and repainting the wreck of a caravan in different colours?
ReplyDeleteBut ye are quite correct re. dates.
What kind of nutjob? The same kind who burgled my house and replaced all my things with exact replicas.
ReplyDeleteAny news on the auction ?