There has been a veritable glut o' Kenwood shiznit turning up of late, and let's add to that glut with these, taken circa 1998 by Nick Cowburn.
Above and below, so far, so familiar:

However, round the other side and the place is looking almost derelict. Note the boarded up windows, and unsightly pile of "stuff":

More unsightlitude, and the last stand of John's pool. Shortly after this, the whole thing was demolished to make way for...err...another pool facing in a different direction. Oh to have too much money:

Having said that, it does seem to have fallen into a state of some disrepair:

Then unt then:

Looking back towards the sunroom; a familiar spot for photographers down the years:

This bit entirely new, next to said sunroom:

And a final view, somewhat overgrown:

Many thanks to Nick for allowing these to be used here. He also got some photos of Kinfauns (also on its last legs at that point), plus some video footage, all of which shall go up immediately. BY THE WAY - anyone else here in Blighty see Yoko on Jonathan Ross this evening? Fellow guest Vin Diesel seemed to say at one point that he was renting a house in St George's Hill "next to Yoko"...but I wasn't really paying attention, so maybe I misheard.
He did say "next to Yoko" but I think he was referring to Kenwood. If you rent a house in St George's Hill I think any agent would mention that place.