Friday, 19 June 2009

Kenwood: entrance hall?

Anonymous left a comment suggesting that the bathchair photos could be from the front entrance. Pics 3 and 4 here are definitely of that location. The Beatles Book monthly had this to say about it - "On the ground floor there is a large entrance hall, lined with shelves of books stretching from floor to ceiling". As Anonymous points out, there is also the coat stand in the bath chair pics, which would suggest an entrance hall. However, again in BBM, this of the "small" room - "The right hand wall was covered with a book-case". Pete Shotton remembers there being a library where Cyn spent a lot of her time - presumably this room, and not the hall. The coat stand does suggest it is the hall - but John was eccentric enough to put a coat stand anywhere, and the small room was just off the front entrance in any case. But yes, it probably is the entrance hall.
Finally, another bit of trivia - here is Lizzie Bravo's pic with John again, and you can see his jacket hanging on the coat stand.


  1. but it could be the hall cause cyn mentions in her book i think that the books her mum bought for john were for the big shelves in the hall. maybe there was another room, the libary in another part of the house where cyn spent her time...
    so confusing!! i really admire you for not giving up, cause we´ll probably never find out!

  2. Yes, it could be. I've tried to look for points of similarity - and apart from the fact that there are books on bookshelves I can't see any - but it could be a question of angles. Something else I forgot to mention - you can see the Sgt Pepper Lewis Carroll head on one of the entrance shelves.


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