Friday 4 September 2015

Pepper: dolls.

Apologies for the lack of activity round these parts of late; it's surprisingly time consuming to get even a scrap of this rubbish together, and free time is in short supply these days. Anyway, there's no shortage of stuff to post, as and when, so... gerronwithit.
I hadn't seen these pics before. I'm sure no red arrows are needed to recognise the basket's contents, but nevertheless:

There are also another couple of dolls (or toys) in there:

Various photos showing the construction of the Pepper sleeve reveal lots of other stuff that didn't make the final cut, and there are a few such things evident in this splendid pic o' Mal:

Ye can waste yer own time identifying them, but here's one for starters - a small collection of figures:

And whither the doll? As is often the case... I dunno. PS Note luggage tag (haha)(it couldn't be, could it?).


  1. I have squinted so hard at the luggage label that my face hurts and I fear I have given myself a permanent gurn.

    Looks like Sboggy or Twiggy ?


  2. Great stuff as always !!

    Looks like Edgar Alan Poe was the first person set up for the shot.

  3. Very interesting stuff, as always!

  4. I was told that radio stations here in the USA gave out dolls to visiting pop groups, similar to the one with the "Welcome The Rolling Stones" motif. So I would think that this doll, or at least the shirt, originated from this source, Mick, Keith or Brian.

  5. Yes most definitely, I just looked at the Pepper sleeve and the doll's shirt says, "GOOD GUYS" on the sleeve which was a phrase commonly used on all the top 40 stations back then, "WABC Good Guys", "WMCA Good Guys", they all did it.

  6. Well...maybe the dolls didn't come from the radio stations but the shirts definitely did. But I just googled and here's the story behind that shirt:


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