Saturday, 1 May 2010

Sunny Heights: then & now, part 3.

The living room at Sunny Heights, then as now, leads onto the back terrace; it, at least, appears to have endured:

If you are anything like me, you look at these iconic images and think, "Yes, that's all very well indeed, but what lurks behind that window/door/copy of the Times?"
In this case, thrillingly, a dining room:

And apropos of nothing and everything, the feedback at the start of It's All Too Much, as rendered on the remasters, is a thing of awe at volume.


  1. Oh Please could you give us the picture of John of the second montage, without the red line on it ? (and others from this session if it exists ^^)

  2. Hi, If you click on the Sunny Heights label and scroll down, you'll find a post with the unaltered John pic. There are other photos from this session under that heading too (and Tammy at the Beatles Photo Blog has just found a good new one, so also have a look there).


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