Monday, 20 July 2009

Kenwood: south end & drive.

A large (click on it), new to this blog shot of the southern end of Kenwood. Dot (or someone) has opened the attic and master bedroom windows. (One can postulate why.) Enthralling stuff. This end of the house is unique, however, in that it hasn't been subject (or subjected) to any cosmetic tinkering/remodelling beyond the painting of the drainpipe. The colour 2008 Joe Baiardi shot also gives a good impression of the odd shape of Kenwood, curling away around the top of the hill. Also here, again lifted from Mr Baiardi's video, the view from that upstairs room to the left. Looking down on the drive, towards the approximate position shown in the upgraded fan photo, a curious sense of perspective is possible - mental ping pong across the decades. (I can keep this nonsense up more or less indefinitely, you realise.) The upgrade courtesy of, yet again, J. Baiardi, esq. Heaped gratitude piled upon him.


  1. I love these comparisons!!

  2. Could you please set your blog so that all its posts don't load on ONE page?!
    click "Settings" then "Formatting", change it so that it doesn't kill my computer when I read your blog! please & thank you

  3. Err...ALL the posts DON'T load on one page. I have never had any problems with it (and I have my reasons for having more than just a few posts on the main page). Amazingly enough, I did actually know about the settings function before your most helpful comment. However, seeing as you asked in such a charming fashion I have scaled the numbers back a bit.


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