Thursday, 21 May 2009

Kenwood: front door panorama.

Again, it goes a bit wacko, but you can see that the subject of recent posts, namely the statue section at the front of Kenwood has now gone, to make way for a slightly more spacious hallway. Oh, to have too much money...


  1. if i should ever get my hands on way too much money i´ll buy it with you okay?? :D you do whatever you want to do woth it and all i want is live in the attic?? pleeeaaase??

  2. Count me in guys. I'll take the two attic side rooms. Love what you did with the video caps and the front view of the driveway!!!
    BTW, who's busts were those by the window? I always thought one was Oscar Wilde and didn't know the woman. I'd like to find them for my Garden. I know they made it to Ascot but don't know what Ringo did with them when he sold the place.


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