Monday 20 April 2020

Kenwood: bush - then unt now.

Did I mention that I have been to etc.?
One of the 3 areas I was most interested in seeing was bush related - specifically an attempt to clear up the "silly bother" about where the Rubber Soul cover photo was taken.
There are 2 possibles, one being the top of the drive at Kenwood. So, here's a screencap from my phone of the very spot.
It is clearly here. If you spend several hours comparing, you start to see that Paul is in fact undead.
Seriously, though - this is it. I was there in late winter. The Rubber Soul photo would have been taken in late autumn. Or fall.
Eternal thanks to Peter Rubin. And hello Lumby.


  1. Where the bloody 'ell are the rest of the photo session? It's amazing that the original photo was shared online.. yet it looks like a vintage print from a magazine. Glad you are back!

  2. Sean, great to hear from you again! I know I speak for all your readers when I say I would love to hear more about your visit to Kenwood and to see some of the photos you took that day. Hope you get a chance to post more about that day soon. Stay safe and well!

  3. Yes! So glad you're back.

    - Dan

  4. Welcome back! - I imagine we can dismiss Boldermere Lake and grounds - can we? I think it was a strange location to choose given the nearby greenery at Kenwood, but Alf was pretty sure (ish). Before the A3 expansion it had a hotel in the woods called "The Hut Hotel" and the final scenes of Catweazle were filmed in and around the lake, but that has nothing to do with this....

  5. didn't the photographer explain where he took the picture ?

  6. Fantastic to have you back! Love this blog and can’t wait to hear more about your visit ✊��

  7. welcome back ... we surely missed you but thanks to the very large archive we survived ...


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