Saturday 12 March 2016

Kenwood: June, 1967.

Yet more out-takes from the 29th of June 1967 session at Kenwood, and these two will be up for grabs at the Tracks auction in April. Nice!
In other news, I note that the page hit count round these parts is now over a million. I do nothing to publicise things, update randomly and infrequently, and am not the most technologically savvy person in the world, so it's quite possible that anyone with, say, a new Twitter account can expect a million hits by lunchtime on the first day, but still, a million hits! For this nonsense! It blows my tiny brains out of my nose.
So, may I just proffer a thank you to everyone who has contributed in whatever way, and to you readahs in general? And now be about yer business:

1 comment:

  1. Very much deserved! This page is one of the gems of the internet. I have been busy moving and sorting through a million boxes, so I haven't posted regularly like before, but I'm back! Congrats on a fab job. And I love not only the photos but what you write. Smiling in Rio de Janeiro!


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