Tuesday 9 June 2009

Kingsley Hill: 2.

Is this it? The Brian/Pattie photo taken from the direction of the arrow. It certainly looks like it could be - those lawns fit with the other photos too.


  1. No. That isn't the place at all.
    Try Google Earth here:
    50°56'18.46"N, 0°17'53.50"E
    This shows the circular oast house South East of the house (and in the foreground of the B+W photo). BTW an Oast House was a farm building once used for drying hops. It shows the entrance porch nestling in a corner on the southern side of the main house.
    The sundial is due south of the house under the solitary circular tree alongside the drive.

  2. Errrr...yes. True, dear chap, but this post was a long time ago, and this blog is a work in progress at all times, and if you keep reading you'll see. I should really go through every entry again, and clean them up in light of later discoveries, but at this point I cannot be arsed.


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