Friday 27 April 2012

Kinfauns: March, 1969.

It's always instructive to read what they said at the time, as opposed to what they couldn't remember later, and so it is with this fascinating little slice of vérité from the week after George got "done" by the "fuzz" (who, allegedly, brought their etc. to be on the safe etc.).
The source of a couple of oft-repeated quotes, the article also shows George either spinning away like mad, or else providing yet another "everything you know is wrong" moment vis-a-vis contemporary inter-Fabs relations (though the most telling bit is probably Hari's refusal to raise so much as a titter at John's HDN-style antics. Gilt and gingerbread had clearly parted company).
You'll likely have to download this, and then zoom in to read it. Or not.

Many thanks go to Bruno Dupont for tracking the above down.

Monday 23 April 2012

Abbey Road: further flotsam.

Anne Copley lived opposite the corner of Abbey Road and Alexandra Road in 1969, and had the presence of mind to nip over and salvage the very tiles featured on the rear of the titular sleeve (or what was left of them) mid-demolition, as the famous intersection was being consumed by the Alexandra Housing development.
She glued the bits together, stuck 'em in a cupboard, and there they remained for 40 years. And now she's sold them. Price? 7 grand.
Amazing (or not) how much remains: the white suit worn by John, the non-white suit sported by the Schnoz, the metal studs from the side of the crossing, the VW...and now the tiles. Whither the Black Maria?
Another bit o' fluff, filched from the estimable Beatles Bible site, purportedly shows the actual crossing captured later on the actual day that the actual sleeve shot was actually err... shot. Looks like it too; while that may or may not be the same car parked near the far gate, the outline of the trees is identical:

Mmmmmmmmmm...sweet trivia.

Saturday 21 April 2012

Kenwood: hall action.

More errr... "action". Cynthia, plus ever present "snout", outside the hall. 1967. Or 1968.

Let's hope something more interesting happens sometime soon.

Wednesday 11 April 2012

Hamburg: Jager-passage 22.

An extract from the contemporary Hamburg telephone directory, showing the inhabitants of Jagerpassage 22 (as pictured, o'course, above) at the time (spring 1961):

And, Astrid's gaff, her father being a man from the motor trade:

Thanks to Thorsten Knublauch for sending these in. (Oh yes, Kenwood; there will be something soon.)